Product: 5 / 5

Work table with shelf

Without worktop (type U). Substructure open with lower shelf.

Depth 600mm
Depth 700mm
Extra cost
Ask for the product
Article numberPrice €
Length 1000 mmATZ 0610U 0000241,-
Length 1100 mmATZ 0611U 0000247,-
Length 1200 mmATZ 0612U 0000253,-
Length 1300 mmATZ 0613U 0000260,-
Length 1400 mmATZ 0614U 0000266,-
Length 1500 mmATZ 0615U 0000273,-
Length 1600 mmATZ 0616U 0000279,-
Length 1700 mmATZ 0617U 0000285,-
Length 1800 mmATZ 0618U 0000291,-
Length 1900 mmATZ 0619U 0000298,-
Length 2000 mmATZ 0620U 0000304,-

Product: 5 / 5
Krosno-Metal Sp. z o.o.
Kamień, ul. Krośnieńska 35
PL 66-600 Krosno Odrzańskie
NIP 5992875660
Fax +48 68 38 33 301
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone. 2021 Rilling ® made by Krosno Metal
Realizacja grtStudio

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